Pneumatic Hydraulic Pump For Hydraulic Cylinder

Mahsulot tafsilotlari

Pneumatic Hydraulic Pump For Hydraulic Cylinder

Asosiy xususiyatlar:

1. **Pnevmatik uchlik:**
– Kengaytirilgan ishlash va ishonchlilik uchun pnevmatik triplet bilan jihozlangan.

2. **Sharli valfli dvigatelni ishga tushirish tugmasi:**
– Qulay boshlash va to'xtatish operatsiyalari uchun ishlatish uchun qulay ball valfli motorni ishga tushirish tugmasi.

3. **Control Valve Options:**
Available with optional single-acting or double-acting manual control valve to suit different operational needs.

4. **O'rnatilgan xavfsizlik valfi:**
Ensures safety by preventing overpressure.
Includes an external pressure adjusting valve for precise pressure control.

5. **Chelik neft tanki:**
– Uzoq umr va mustahkamlik uchun to'liq himoya ramkaga ega bardoshli po'latdan yasalgan moyli idish.

6. **Remote Cable Control Handle:**
Comes with a 6-meter remote cable control handle for convenient and safe operation from a distance.


– **Kengaytirilgan ishlash:** The pneumatic triplet ensures efficient and reliable performance.
– **Xavfsizlik:** Built-in safety valve and external pressure adjusting valve provide reliable safety features.
– **Flexibility:** Optional single-acting or double-acting manual control valve to meet different application requirements.
– **Chidamlilik:** Steel oil tank and full protection frame offer robustness and extended service life.
– **Convenience:** Ball valve motor start switch and remote cable control handle simplify operation and enhance safety.


Ideal for use with hydraulic cylinders in various industrial settings.
Suitable for operations requiring precise pressure control and remote operation capabilities.
Perfect for environments where safety, durability, and efficiency are critical.

This pneumatic hydraulic pump is designed to offer optimal performance, safety, and versatility, making it an excellent choice for a wide range of hydraulic cylinder applications.

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