1. **Pnevmatik uchlik:**
– Kengaytirilgan ishlash va ishonchlilik uchun pnevmatik triplet bilan jihozlangan.
2. **Sharli valfli dvigatelni ishga tushirish tugmasi:**
– Qulay boshlash va to'xtatish operatsiyalari uchun ishlatish uchun qulay ball valfli motorni ishga tushirish tugmasi.
3. **Control Valve Options:**
– Available with optional single-acting or double-acting manual control valve to suit different operational needs.
4. **O'rnatilgan xavfsizlik valfi:**
– Ensures safety by preventing overpressure.
– Includes an external pressure adjusting valve for precise pressure control.
5. **Chelik neft tanki:**
– Uzoq umr va mustahkamlik uchun to'liq himoya ramkaga ega bardoshli po'latdan yasalgan moyli idish.
6. **Remote Cable Control Handle:**
– Comes with a 6-meter remote cable control handle for convenient and safe operation from a distance.
– **Kengaytirilgan ishlash:** The pneumatic triplet ensures efficient and reliable performance.
– **Xavfsizlik:** Built-in safety valve and external pressure adjusting valve provide reliable safety features.
– **Flexibility:** Optional single-acting or double-acting manual control valve to meet different application requirements.
– **Chidamlilik:** Steel oil tank and full protection frame offer robustness and extended service life.
– **Convenience:** Ball valve motor start switch and remote cable control handle simplify operation and enhance safety.
– Ideal for use with hydraulic cylinders in various industrial settings.
– Suitable for operations requiring precise pressure control and remote operation capabilities.
– Perfect for environments where safety, durability, and efficiency are critical.
This pneumatic hydraulic pump is designed to offer optimal performance, safety, and versatility, making it an excellent choice for a wide range of hydraulic cylinder applications.
Elektron pochta: sales@longloodtool.com
Manzil: Birlik 502, qavat 5, B binosi, # 1 ustaxona, Avtomobil sanoati shahar qismlarini qo'llab-quvvatlash markazi (IV bosqich), Guankou shahri, Jimei tumani, Syamen,Fujian,Xitoy