This tool is used for applying precise torque to bolts and nuts, especially in industrial settings where high torque is required. They are often used in situations where access is limited, making traditional wrenching difficult.
The BHW-R series, as part of the HTL 3-in-1 range, provides hydraulic spanner wrench functionality with both ring and open-end attachments. These tools cover a wide range of torque values and bolt sizes, making them suitable for various industrial applications, including confined spaces.
Електронна пошта:
Адреса: одиниця 502, поверх 5, Будівля Б, # 1 майстерня, Центр підтримки міських запчастин автомобільної промисловості (фаза iv), Місто Гуанькоу, Район Джімей, Сямень,Фуцзянь,Китай
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