ЛОНДОН 10 Ton, 2 Jaw, Integral Safety Cage Hydraulic Puller

Тафсилоти маҳсулот

10 Ton, 2 Jaw, Integral Safety Cage Hydraulic Puller

Integral Safety Cage Hydraulic Puller Specifications

This 10-ton hydraulic puller with an integral safety cage system is designed for maximum safety and efficiency in various pulling tasks.

– **Capacity:** 10 tons
– **Number of Jaws:** 2
– **Minimum Spread:** 19 мм
– **Maximum Spread:** 304 мм
– **Maximum Reach:** 203 мм
– **Maximum Operating Pressure:** 700 bar


– **Unique Safety Cage System:** Firmly secures the workpiece with excellent skid resistance, enhancing safety during operation.
– **Self-Centering Anti-Eccentric Load:** Ensures the screw rod remains centered, which extends the service life of the tool.
– **Slim Tapered Jaws:** Designed for easier access in narrow spaces, allowing for greater versatility in application.
– **Built-In Hydraulic Hand Pump:** Eliminates the need for an external pump and hose setup, simplifying the operation process.

This tool is ideal for a variety of applications requiring precise and secure pulling in confined spaces. If you need further details or additional documentation, please let US know!

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