RCS SERIES, Single Acting Low Height Hydraulic Cylinder

Rincian produk

Single Acting Low Height Hydraulic Cylinder

Light Weight Low Profile Spring Return Cylinder

  • Lightweight, Low Profile Design: Ideal for use in confined spaces.
  • Akting Tunggal, Spring Balik deui: Ensures efficient operation with automatic return.
  • Résistansi korosi: Panggang enamel finish nyadiakeun panyalindungan ditingkatkeun.
  • Plunger Wiper: Reduces contamination, extending cylinder life.
  • Grooved Plunger End: Features threaded holes for mounting tilt saddles.
  • Integral Handle (RCS-1002 Model): Facilitates easy carrying.
  • Chromium-Plated Steel Plunger Surface: Enhances durability and resistance to wear.

Kapasitas: 10- 90 ton

Stroke: 38-62mm

Tekanan Operasi Max: 700 bar

MODEL effective area oil capacity Collapse Height(mm) extended height(mm) beurat(KG)
RCS-101* 14.5 55 88 126 4.1
RCS-201* 28.7 129 98 143 5
RCS-302* 42.1 261 117 179 6.8
RCS-502* 62.1 373 122 182 10.9
RCS-1002* 126.7 722 141 198 22.7


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