بهار جي واپسي, سنگل ايڪٽنگ هولو پلنگر سلنڈر RCH سيريز

پيداوار جا تفصيل

Spring Return Single Acting Hollow Plunger Cylinder

Spring Return RCH-Series Cylinders Features:

  • Smooth Saddles: Most RCH-Series cylinders come equipped with smooth saddles.
  • سوراخ پلنگر ڊيزائن: Allows for both pull and push forces.
  • اڪيلو اداڪاري, بهار جي واپسي: Ensures efficient operation with a reliable return mechanism.
  • پائيدار تعمير: نڪل ٿيل, floating center tube on models over 20 tons increases product life.
  • Enhanced Corrosion Resistance: Baked enamel finish protects against corrosion.
  • آسان فڪسچرنگ: Collar threads enable easy installation and secure mounting.

ظرف: 13- 95 ٽون

فالج: 8- 155 ايم ايم

وڌ ۾ وڌ آپريشن دٻاء: 700 بار

Center Hole Diameter: 19.6-79ايم ايم

ماڊل اسٽروڪ سلنڈر
(سي ايم 2
وزن(ڪي جي)
RCH-120 8 17.9 14 19.6 1.5
RCH-121* 42 17.9 75 19.6 2.8
RCH-1211 42 17.9 75 19.6 2.8
RCH-123 76 17.9 136 19.6 4.4
RCH-202* 49 30.7 150 26.9 7.7
RCH-206 155 30.7 476 26.9 14.1
RCH-302* 64 46.6 298 33.3 10.9
RCH-306 155 46.6 722 33.3 21.8
RCH-603* 76 82.3 626 53.8 28.1
RCH-606 153 82.3 1259 53.8 35.4
RCH-1003 76 133 1011 79 63

Application of RCH-1003 Hollow Plunger Cylinder:

The RCH-1003 hollow plunger cylinder is used for intermediate boom suspension on a dragline.

hollow cylinder


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