50 Гидравлический съемник для тяжелых условий эксплуатации с тремя челюстями

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THREE JAWS Heavy Duty Hydraulic Puller Features:

  • Double-acting hydraulic system for holding, opening, and closing jaws; ensures a safe and secure grip at all times.
  • Single-acting, spring return cylinder with a 50-ton capacity.
  • Self-centering design keeps puller jaws evenly clamped on the workpiece.
  • Easy jaw head adjusting system prevents sliding of the puller jaws.
  • Puller can be assembled in 2 or 3 jaw configurations.
  • Adjustable 5 degrees up or down from the puller centerline for precise positioning.
  • Castors for easy cart movement.
  • Includes electric pump with options for 220VAC single phase or 380VAC three phase, and four extensions.

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