RSM श्रृंखला, एकल अभिनय कम प्रोफाइल हाइड्रोलिक सिलिन्डर

उत्पादन विवरण

एकल अभिनय कम प्रोफाइल हाइड्रोलिक सिलिन्डर

Low Profile Flat Cylinder Features:

  • Compact, Flat Design: Ideal for use in tight spaces where standard cylinders cannot fit.
  • एकल-अभिनय, वसन्त फिर्ता: Provides reliable operation with automatic return.
  • Handles on RSM-750, 1000, and 1500 Models: Facilitates easy carrying.
  • Mounting Holes: Allow for straightforward fixturing and secure installation.
  • Corrosion Resistance: Baked enamel finish enhances durability.
  • High-Quality Steel Plungers: Hard chrome-plated for long-lasting performance.
  • Grooved Plunger Ends: Eliminate the need for additional saddles

क्षमता: 5-150 टन

स्ट्रोक: 6-16mm

अधिकतम सञ्चालन दबाव: 700 बार


मोडेल effective area oil capacity Collapse Height(mm) extended height(mm) वजन(केजी)
RSM-50 1) 6.5 4 32 38 1
RSM-100 14.5 18 42 54 1.4
RSM-200 28.7 32 51 62 3.1
RSM-300 42.1 55 58 71 4.5
RSM-500 62.1 99 66 82 6.8
RSM-750 102.6 164 79 95 11.3
RSM-1000 126.7 203 85 101 14.5
RSM-1500 198.1 317 100 116 26.3

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हामी तपाईंलाई भित्र सम्पर्क गर्नेछौं 1 काम गर्ने दिन.

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