LONGLOOD hydraulic torque wrenches provide controlled tightening for a variety of fastener sizes. The LSW square drive and LHW low profile hydraulic torque wrenches offer a wide range of torque for industrial applications. Optional accessories extend the versatility of these products even further.
In applications requiring parallel joint closure for proper assembly, simultaneous tightening of multiple fasteners is often necessary. LONGLOOD BHT-ST/BHT-MT Series Hydraulic Bolt Tensioners deliver accurate preload in single or multiple fastener applications without inducing rotational twist or dealing with the uncertainties of friction and lubrication.
LONGLOOD hydraulic nuts are ideal for situations where mechanical nuts are unsuitable due to factors like continuous maintenance requirements, heat, vibrations, or other conditions. These hydraulic nuts replace traditional mechanical nuts and ring nuts, providing superior and controlled tightening values. They are manufactured to meet the dimensions and strength specifications required by the user.
The LONGLOOD BNS series hydraulic nut splitters offer a safe and effective method for removing stubborn or seized nuts without damaging the bolt. An angled head and heavy-duty replaceable chisel allow for a wide range of applications.
LONGLOOD provides a comprehensive range of pumps for hydraulic bolting tools, including manual, агаараар удирддаг, and electric-driven models. A variety of pumps and accessories are available to ensure timely completion of tasks.
Имэйл: sales@longloodtool.com
Хаяг: Нэгж 502, шал 5, Б байр, # 1 семинар, Авто үйлдвэрийн Хотын эд ангиудыг дэмжих төв (IV үе шат), Гуанкоу хот, Жимэй дүүрэг, Шиамэнь,Фүжиан,Хятад
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