Double-Acting Design High Tonnage Cylinder 150 тонн

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Double-Acting Design High Tonnage Cylinder 150 тонн

The 150-ton double-acting hydraulic cylinders from Longlood, a China-based manufacturer, are designed for heavy-duty industrial applications. Double-acting cylinders are capable of exerting force during both the extension and retraction strokes, making them ideal for tasks that require controlled pushing and pulling forces in lifting, positioning, and pressing operations.

150 Ton Cylinder Key Features:

  1. Хүчин чадал: 150 тонн (330,000 lbs).
  2. Double-Acting Design: Provides power in both directions (extension and retraction), increasing operational efficiency and control.
  3. High-Pressure Performance: Operates at high pressures, typically up to 700 баар (10,000 psi), allowing for powerful lifting and pulling operations.
  4. Удаан эдэлгээтэй барилга: Built with high-strength alloy steel for longevity and resilience under heavy loads.
  5. Portability: Despite their massive capacity, these cylinders are designed to be relatively portable for on-site use in industries such as construction, heavy equipment maintenance, and mining.
  6. Hydraulic Connections: Fitted with threaded ports for secure connections to hydraulic hoses, pumps, and accessories.
  7. Аюулгүй байдлын онцлогууд: Equipped with safety valves and other protective mechanisms to prevent overload and ensure safe operation.
  8. Precision Control: Available with various valve options, including manual, remote, or solenoid control, for precise operation.

Double Acting Hydraulic Cylinder Applications:

  • Heavy equipment lifting and lowering.
  • Structural positioning and adjustment.
  • Press-fitting large components.
  • Removing or installing heavy industrial parts.

Longlood’s double-acting hydraulic cylinders offer robust and reliable performance for industries requiring high-capacity hydraulic solutions.

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