100-ton, 3-jaw safety cage hydraulic puller is designed for maximum pulling force in applications requiring the removal of large gears, pulleys, wheels, sleeves, and other press-fit parts. It provides high-force removal with safety and efficiency.
– Хүчин чадал: 100 тонн
– Number of Jaws: 3 (available in 2-jaw and 2/3-jaw combination systems)
– Maximum Operating Pressure:10,000 PSI
– Cylinder Stroke:10.25 инч (spring return)
-Hydraulic Lift Cart Height Extension: Up to 1.52 м
– **10,000 PSI Electric Two-Stage Pump:** Provides powerful and efficient hydraulic force.
– **Remote Jog Switch:** Equipped with a 3-meter cord for convenient and safe operation.
– **Hydraulic-Actuated Lift Cart:** Allows the puller to extend from ground level to a height of 1.52 метр, facilitating easy positioning.
– **Hydraulically Controlled Jaws:** Ensure precise and controlled pulling action.
– **Safety Cage:** Enhances operator safety by securely retaining the jaws during operation.
– **Multiple Pushing Adaptors:**
– (1) 4-in. diameter x 9-in. (102 x 229 мм)
– (2) 4-in. diameter x 19-in. (102 x 483 мм)
– (3) 4-in. diameter x 29-in. (102 x 737 мм)
This hydraulic puller system is ideal for demanding applications requiring high force and precision, ensuring safe and efficient removal of large components. If you need additional details or further documentation, please let us know!
Имэйл: sales@longloodtool.com
Хаяг: Нэгж 502, шал 5, Б байр, # 1 семинар, Авто үйлдвэрийн Хотын эд ангиудыг дэмжих төв (IV үе шат), Гуанкоу хот, Жимэй дүүрэг, Шиамэнь,Фүжиан,Хятад
Бид тантай дотор холбогдох болно 1 ажлын өдөр.