The Longlood 30 Ton Pancake Porta Power Set offers a ready-to-use hydraulic solution designed for efficiency and reliability. This set includes everything needed to begin work immediately, making it ideal for various applications requiring powerful hydraulic force in a compact design.
This hydraulic set is perfect for lifting, итеру, тарту, иілу, and holding operations. The low-profile RSM300 cylinder allows it to fit into tight spaces, making it suitable for a wide range of tasks in construction, automotive, өндіріс, and maintenance sectors. The single-acting, spring return mechanism ensures quick and efficient operation, while the solid plunger design provides reliable performance under heavy loads.
The Longlood Porta Power sets are available with hydraulic jacks ranging from 5 to 100 tons, with various models including general-purpose, hollow hole, and low-height cylinders to meet different application needs.
This comprehensive kit is a complete solution for professionals requiring a high-capacity, low-profile hydraulic system, ensuring ease of use and reliability in demanding environments
Электрондық пошта:
Мекенжай: Бірлік 502, қабат 5, Ғимарат В, # 1 шеберхана, Қалалық автоөнеркәсіп бөлшектерін қолдау орталығы (IV кезең), Гуанкоу қаласы, Джимэй ауданы, Сямэнь,Фуцзянь,Қытай
Біз сізге ішінде хабарласамыз 1 жұмыс күні.