The 60-ton double-acting hollow hydraulic cylinder is a versatile and powerful tool designed for both pushing and pulling applications, with a hollow center that allows for additional versatility, such as tensioning cables, rods, or bolts. This cylinder is ideal for applications requiring precise control and the ability to apply force in both directions.
This 60-ton double-acting hollow hydraulic cylinder offers superior flexibility and strength, making it an indispensable tool for professionals dealing with large, heavy-duty applications that require both push and pull capabilities.
Heimilisfang: Eining 502, hæð 5, Bygging B, # 1 verkstæði, Stuðningsmiðstöð bílaiðnaðar borgarhluta (áfanga iv), Guankou bær, Jimei hverfi, Xiamen,Fujian,Kína
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