Hydraulic Self-centering Puller Kit

Khoom Paub meej

Product Description for Hydraulic Puller

Ntsiab nta:

  • Three-Jaw Linkage: Automatic centering ensures easy and precise operation.
  • High-Strength: Made from high-strength alloy steel for enhanced durability.
  • Versatile: Available in both mechanical and hydraulic types, with capacities ranging from 7 tons to 60 tons.
  • Strong and Durable: The heavy-duty structure ensures a long service life.
  • Stability: Large base pad supports the oil cylinder, providing excellent stability during operations.
  • Mobility: Omni-directional wheels allow for easy transportation and placement.
  • Kev nyab xeeb: Hydraulic control check valve provides pressure self-locking in case of an emergency.
  • Ease of Maintenance: The cylinder and pump are easy to disassemble, allowing for use in various applications and simplifying maintenance.


  • Working Pressure: 700 bar
  • Kis mus: 60-920mm
  • Muaj peev xwm: Available in 7, 10, 17, 20, 30, thiab 60 tons

Daim ntawv thov:

  • Hydraulic Puller: Designed for removing bearings, iav, pulleys, thiab lwm yam press-fitted qhov chaw.

Qhov zoo:

  • Automatic centering with three-jaw linkage for easy use.
  • Robust and reliable design ensures longevity and consistent performance.
  • Easy to maneuver and position thanks to omni-directional wheels.
  • Enhanced safety features with pressure self-locking to prevent accidents.
  • Versatile and easy-to-maintain design with disassemblable cylinder and pump.

This hydraulic puller offers a powerful, reliable, and versatile solution for removing press-fitted parts, ensuring safety, stability, and efficiency in your operations.

Qauv Muaj peev xwm Max Spread Spread Range weight kg
YZDZ-10 10(98) 296 60-430 8.9
YZDZ-20 20(196) 340 60-500 18.25
YZDZ-30 30(294) 420 60-600 36.4
YZDZ-60 60(588) 727 60-92 86.5

Nug Ib Daim Ntawv Qhia Ceev

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