4 Ton, Mechanical Flange Alignment Tool

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

4 Ton, Mechanical Flange Alignment Tool

Prìomh fheartan:

1. **Mechanical Flange Alignment:**
Designed for the alignment or realignment of flange joints during routine pipeline maintenance.
Capable of both linear and rotational alignment, offering a versatile solution for medium-diameter, medium-pressure flange joints.

2. **4 Comas tunna:**
Provides a robust 4-ton capacity to handle significant misalignment forces, ensuring effective realignment.

3. **Simple Operation:**
Easily attaches to the flange joint at the point of greatest misalignment, using mechanical force to push and pull the flange into correct alignment.

**FA4TMSTD Set Includes:**

1. **FA4TM Tool:**
The primary tool for flange alignment with a capacity of 4 tonna.

2. **Torque Wrench (68N·m / 50ft·lb):**
Provides the necessary torque for secure operation and alignment adjustments.

3. **22mm Socket:**
Compatible with the torque wrench for efficient and straightforward usage.

4. **Ratchet Strap:**
Used to secure the tool and maintain stability during the alignment process.

5. **Leabhar-stiùiridh Stiùireadh:**
Provides comprehensive guidelines and instructions for safe and effective use of the tool.

6. **Cùis giùlan:**
Durable carry case for easy transportation and storage of the tool and its accessories.


– **Furasta a chleachdadh:** Simple attachment and operation make it user-friendly, even for less experienced operators.
– **Èifeachdas:** Mechanical operation quickly and effectively aligns flange joints, reducing downtime during maintenance.
– **Iom-fhillteachd:** Suitable for both linear and rotational alignment tasks, offering flexibility for various flange joint issues.
– **Polasachd:** Compact design and included carry case ensure easy transport and storage, making it ideal for on-site use.


– **Pipeline Maintenance:**
Essential for routine maintenance tasks involving the alignment or realignment of flange joints in pipelines.
– **Industrial Settings:**
Suitable for use in various industries, a 'toirt a-steach petrochemical, oil and gas, and manufacturing, where flange joint alignment is critical.
– **Medium-Diameter, Medium-Pressure Flanges:**
Specifically designed to handle the demands of medium-diameter, medium-pressure flange joints.

**Stiùireadh Cleachdadh:**

1. **Suidhich:**
Attach the FA4TM tool to the flange joint at the point of greatest misalignment.
Secure the tool using the ratchet strap for stability.

2. **Obrachadh:**
Use the 68N·m (50ft·lb) torque wrench and 22mm socket to apply the necessary force.
Push and pull the flange into alignment using the mechanical force provided by the tool.

3. **Crìochnachadh:**
Once alignment is achieved, Daingneach a dhaingneachadh gu faiceallach air an inneal.
Store the tool and accessories in the carry case for future use.

The FA4TM Mechanical Flange Alignment Tool offers a simple, èifeachdach, and robust solution for aligning flange joints, making it an essential tool for routine pipeline maintenance in various industrial applications.


Faighnich airson Aithris Luath

Cuiridh sinn fios thugad a-staigh 1 latha-obrach.

Fosgail còmhradh
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