30 Ton Pancake Porta Power,Hydraulic Ram Cylinder And Hand Pump Set

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

30 Ton Pancake Porta Power Hydraulic Cylinder and Hand Pump Set

The Longlood 30 Ton Pancake Porta Power Set offers a ready-to-use hydraulic solution designed for efficiency and reliability. This set includes everything needed to begin work immediately, making it ideal for various applications requiring powerful hydraulic force in a compact design.

Prìomh fheartan:

  • Comas: 30 Ton
  • Brùthadh obrachaidh as àirde: 700 bàr
  • Stròc: 13 mm
  • Collapsed Height: 58 mm
  • Extended Height: 71 mm
  • Return Type: Single-Acting, Spring Return
  • Plunger Type: Solid
  • Stuth: High-strength CR40 steel ensures durability and long service life.

Air a ghabhail a-steach pàirtean:

  • Hydraulic Jack (Ram): RSM300 Pancake Cylinder, engineered for low-height applications where space is restricted.
  • Hand Pump: P-392 Two-speed pump, providing efficient operation with minimal effort.
  • Hydraulic Hose: HC-7206, 1.8 meters, designed for high-pressure applications.
  • Pressure Gauge & Adapter: GA4 and GP10S, calibrated for accurate pressure readings.

Versatility and Application:

This hydraulic set is perfect for lifting, a' putadh, a' tarraing, cromadh, and holding operations. The low-profile RSM300 cylinder allows it to fit into tight spaces, making it suitable for a wide range of tasks in construction, automotive, manufacturing, and maintenance sectors. The single-acting, spring return mechanism ensures quick and efficient operation, while the solid plunger design provides reliable performance under heavy loads.

Available Options:

The Longlood Porta Power sets are available with hydraulic jacks ranging from 5 to 100 tonna, with various models including general-purpose, hollow hole, and low-height cylinders to meet different application needs.

This comprehensive kit is a complete solution for professionals requiring a high-capacity, low-profile hydraulic system, ensuring ease of use and reliability in demanding environments

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