3 JAWS,100 Ton Safety Cage Hydraulic Puller

Mion-fhiosrachadh toraidh

3 JAWS,100 Ton Safety Cage Hydraulic Puller

100-Ton, 3-Jaw Safety Cage Hydraulic Puller Specifications

100-tunna, 3-jaw safety cage hydraulic puller is designed for maximum pulling force in applications requiring the removal of large gears, pulleys, wheels, sleeves, and other press-fit parts. It provides high-force removal with safety and efficiency.

– Comas: 100 tonna
– Àireamh giallan: 3 (available in 2-jaw and 2/3-jaw combination systems)
– Brùthadh obrachaidh as àirde:10,000 PSI
Cylinder Stroke:10.25 inches (Tilleadh an earraich)
-Hydraulic Lift Cart Height Extension: Up to 1.52 m


– **10,000 PSI Electric Two-Stage Pump:** Provides powerful and efficient hydraulic force.
– **Remote Jog Switch:** Equipped with a 3-meter cord for convenient and safe operation.
– **Hydraulic-Actuated Lift Cart:** Allows the puller to extend from ground level to a height of 1.52 meters, facilitating easy positioning.
– **Hydraulically Controlled Jaws:** Ensure precise and controlled pulling action.
– **Safety Cage:** Enhances operator safety by securely retaining the jaws during operation.
– **Multiple Pushing Adaptors:**
– (1) 4-in. diameter x 9-in. (102 x 229 mm)
– (2) 4-in. diameter x 19-in. (102 x 483 mm)
– (3) 4-in. diameter x 29-in. (102 x 737 mm)

This hydraulic puller system is ideal for demanding applications requiring high force and precision, ensuring safe and efficient removal of large components. Ma tha feum agad air fiosrachadh a bharrachd no tuilleadh sgrìobhainnean, please let us know!

Faighnich airson Aithris Luath

Cuiridh sinn fios thugad a-staigh 1 latha-obrach.

Fosgail còmhradh
Halo 👋
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