The roller head design, standard on all models, allows for easy side-to-side movement and locking of the cylinder. For the 10-ton, 25-ton, and 30-ton models, this adjustment is manual.
Each model listed in the Quick Selection Chart comes as a complete package, carefully matched with a pump, cylinder, hoses, and gauge. The 50-ton H-frame hydraulic press, for example, is paired with an 50 Ton single-acting cylinder and a P80 hand pump. Ina theannta sin, it includes a hydraulic force and pressure gauge with an imperial scale, specifically calibrated for use with 50-ton cylinders.
Ríomhphost: díolachá
Seoladh: Aonad 502, urlár 5, Foirgneamh B, # 1 ceardlann, Ionad Tacaíochta Páirteanna Cathrach Tionscal Gluaisteán (céim iv), Baile Guankou, Ceantar Jimei, Xiamen,Fujian,tSín
Déanfaimid teagmháil leat laistigh 1 lá oibre.