Tá an 15 Ton Porta Power Hydraulic Cylinder and Hand Pump Set by LONGLOOD is a complete, ready-to-use hydraulic solution designed for quick and efficient operations. This set provides everything you need to start working immediately, making it ideal for a wide range of applications requiring powerful and precise lifting, ag brú, or pulling.
Ríomhphost: díolacháin@longloodtool.com
Seoladh: Aonad 502, urlár 5, Foirgneamh B, # 1 ceardlann, Ionad Tacaíochta Páirteanna Cathrach Tionscal Gluaisteán (céim iv), Baile Guankou, Ceantar Jimei, Xiamen,Fujian,tSín
Déanfaimid teagmháil leat laistigh 1 lá oibre.