LONGLOOD BHNM Series Hydraulic Nuts

جزئیات محصول

LONGLOOD Hydraulic Nuts

  • Maximum Pressure: 70-80 MPa
  • سکته: 5-30 میلی متر

LONGLOOD BHNM Series Hydraulic Nuts are commonly used in applications involving bearings, flywheels, propellers, and other workpiece presses. These hydraulic tools provide smooth, impact-free top thrust, ensuring that the workpiece is not damaged during the process. By using the internal thread of the hydraulic nut, they can be securely installed on shaft parts. The piston, driven by hydraulic pressure of 700-800 نوار, pushes the workpiece into the desired installation position, offering precise and controlled movement.

LONGLOOD BHNM Series Hydraulic Nut
LONGLOOD BHNM Series Hydraulic Nut


LONGLOOD BHNM Series Hydraulic Nut
LONGLOOD BHNM Series Hydraulic Nut

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