5 L Electric Torque Pump

Detalls del producte

Here’s the information about the BHE4TW Electric Torque Pump organized into a table format and accompanied by features and benefits:

5 L Electric Torque Pump Specifications

Model Rated Pressure (Bar) Voltage (V) Flow 1st Stage (L/min) Flow 2nd Stage (L/min) Capacitat d'oli (L) Power (KW) Pes (KG)
BHE4TW 700 220 7 0.8 5 1.1 22
BHE4TW-2 700 220 7 0.8 5 1.1 22

Remarks: Each BHE4TW pump can be equipped with 2, 3, or 4 ports manifold. When ordering, customers can add a number after the model for ports quantity (e.g., BHE4TW-4 is with 4 ports for 4 tools).

Característiques i avantatges

  • Brushless Motor: Low maintenance.
  • Two-Stage Pump: More efficient operation.
  • Low Noise: 75dB for quieter operation.
  • Inside Safety Valve: Ensures safety and reliability.
  • High-Protection Weak Power Control Handle: Enhances control and safety.
  • Adjustable Relief Valve: High accuracy for adjusting system pressure.
  • Twin Hose: Available in various lengths with quick couplers.
  • Manifold Options: One to four tools manifold available for flexible operation.

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