150MPa пневматична помпа за обтягане на болтове

Подробности за продукта

150MPa пневматична помпа за обтягане на болтове

Key Features:

1. **Пневматичен триплет:**
Equipped with a pneumatic triplet for enhanced performance and reliability.

2. **Превключвател за стартиране на двигателя с топка:**
Easy-to-use ball valve motor start switch for convenient start and stop operations.

3. **Ръчно разтоварващ клапан:**
Facilitates manual pressure release to ensure safe operation.

4. **Вграден предпазен клапан:**
– Предотвратява свръхналягането, enhancing safety during use.

5. **Резервоар за стоманено масло:**
Durable steel oil tank with a full protection frame for longevity and robustness.

6. **Дизайн на наклона на наклона:**
Angled pressure gauge for easy readability and monitoring.

7. **Дизайн с високо изместване:**
– 6.3mL large displacement design improves operating efficiency.

8. **Двойни маслени търговски обекти:**
Equipped with dual oil outlets for strong compatibility with various applications.

9. **Уплътнения на дълги животни:**
Utilizes PEEK, FKM, and other high-durability seals for extended service life.

10. **Дизайн на уплътнението на плочата:**
Features a plate seal design with no hydraulic steel pipe, ensuring high sealing stability.


– **Enhanced Performance:** The pneumatic triplet and high displacement design contribute to efficient and reliable operation.
– **Safety:** The built-in safety valve and manual unloading valve ensure safe pressure management.
– **Издръжливост:** Steel oil tank and high-quality seals offer longevity and resistance to wear.
– **Лесна употреба:** The ball valve motor start switch and easy-to-read pressure gauge simplify operations.
– **Универсалност:** Dual oil outlets and strong compatibility make it suitable for various applications.
– **Stability:** Plate seal design ensures high sealing stability without the need for hydraulic steel pipes.

This 150MPa pneumatic bolt tensioner pump is designed for optimal performance and durability, making it an excellent choice for demanding industrial applications.

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