CLRG SERIES, Double Acting High Tonnage Cylinder

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Double Acting High Tonnage Cylinder

Double-Acting Cylinder Features:

  • Positive Retraction: Ensures reliable retraction with double-acting functionality.
  • Integral Stop Ring: Provides piston blow-out protection for enhanced safety.
  • Safety Valve: Located in the retract side of the cylinder to prevent damage from accidental over-pressurization.
  • Plunger Wiper: Reduces contamination, extending the cylinder’s lifespan.
  • Durable Finish: Baked enamel exterior finish and plated pistons offer superior corrosion protection.

Capacity:50 – 1000 ቶን

Stroke: 50 – 300ሚ.ሜ

Max Operation Pressure : 700 bars

Double-Acting Cylinder Requirements:

  • Powering Equipment: A double-acting cylinder must be powered by a pump equipped with a 4-way valve.

Pump Selection:

Ensure that the selected pump includes a 4-way valve to properly operate the double-acting cylinder.

CLRG Cylinder Features:

  • Bolt-On Removable Grooved Saddles: All CLRG cylinders come equipped with these for easy replacement and adaptability.
WEIGHT(KG) Capacity Ton
CLRG-502 50 77 38.5 385 192 162 17 50 T
CLRG-504 100 77 38.5 770 385 212 20 50 T
CLRG-506 150 77 38.5 1155 577 262 23 50 T
CLRG-508 200 77 38.5 1540 770 312 27 50 T
CLRG-5010 250 77 38.5 1924 962 362 31 50 T
CLRG-5012 300 77 38.5 2309 1155 412 34 50 T
CLRG-1002 50 132.7 61.9 664 309 179 29 100 T
CLRG-1004 100 132.7 61.9 1327 619 229 34 100 T
CLRG-1006 150 132.7 61.9 1991 928 279 40 100 T
CLRG-1008 200 132.7 61.9 2655 1237 329 46 100 T
CLRG-10010 250 132.7 61.9 3318 1546 379 52 100 T
CLRG-10012 300 132.7 61.9 3982 1856 429 58 100 T
CLRG-1502 50 198.6 96.5 993 482 196 39 150 T
CLRG-1504 100 198.6 96.5 1986 965 246 52 150 T
CLRG-1506 150 198.6 96.5 2978 1447 296 65 150 T
CLRG-1508 200 198.6 96.5 3971 1930 346 78 150 T
CLRG-15010 250 198.6 96.5 4964 2412 396 92 150 T
CLRG-15012 300 198.6 96.5 5957 2895 446 105 150 T
CLRG-2002 50 265.9 127 1330 635 212 55 200 T
CLRG-2006 150 265.9 127 3989 1905 312 91 200 T
CLRG-20012 300 265.9 127 7977 3809 462 146 200 T
CLRG-2502 50 366.4 152.6 1832 763 235 89 250 T
CLRG-2506 150 366.4 152.6 5497 2289 335 136 250 T
CLRG-25012 300 366.4 152.6 10993 4578 485 207 250 T
CLRG-3002 50 456.2 151.4 2281 757 322 184 300 T
CLRG-3006 150 456.2 151.4 6843 2270 422 232 300 T
CLRG-30012 300 456.2 151.4 13685 4541 572 303 300 T
CLRG-4002 50 559.9 193.5 2800 967 374 270 400 T
CLRG-4006 150 559.9 193.5 8399 2902 474 330 400 T
CLRG-40012 300 559.9 193.5 16797 5804 624 421 400 T
CLRG-5002 50 730.6 247.6 3653 1238 419 401 500 T
CLRG-5006 150 730.6 247.6 10959 3713 519 480 500 T
CLRG-50012 300 730.6 247.6 21918 7427 669 599 500 T
CLRG-6002 50 855.3 295.4 4276 1477 429 474 600 T
CLRG-6006 150 855.3 295.4 12829 4431 529 565 600 T
CLRG-60012 300 855.3 295.4 25659 8862 679 701 600 T
CLRG-8002 50 1176.3 387 5881 1935 484 741 800 T
CLRG-8006 150 1176.3 387 17644 5806 584 868 800 T
CLRG-80012 300 1176.3 387 35288 11611 734 1058 800 T
CLRG-10002 50 1465.7 541.7 7329 2709 564 1062 1000 T
CLRG-10006 150 1465.7 541.7 21986 8126 664 1213 1000 T
CLRG-100012 300 1465 541.7 43972 16252 814 1439 1000 T


Application of CLRG Cylinders:

  • Controlled Lifting and Lowering: Used for replacing adjustment rolls under a fly-over, allowing for precise control during the lifting and lowering process.
high tonnage cylinder
high tonnage cylinder
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